My vision is that we will develop competitive climate protection technologies for heavy industry. To achieve this, we must take ambitious and knowledge-based steps to foster innovation and redefine segments such as the construction industry, aviation and the energy system of the future.
Think tank founder Dr Peter Schniering
I envision a world that is better prepared to tackle pandemics, a world filled with happy and healthy people because no disparities exist in access to healthcare, irrespective of their living and working conditions.
Doctoral student (G-WAC) Fortress Yayra Aku
I am a rational optimist; I believe humanity’s future is bright.
Master’s graduate (TRAJECTS) Juan Pablo Cárdenas
A world in which we never turn a blind eye to injustice, inequality and atrocities that shake people to their very core and in which we undertake concrete steps to end them.
Human rights lawyer Dr Brenda Akia
Sustainability for the planet and healthier foods for consumers, both achieved by technological innovations that reduce chemical contamination in food production.
Director CATIE Professor Luis Pocasangre Enamorado
My vision for the future is one that is inclusive. I would love to see more individuals across the globe, from various cultures and social structures, engage with space in a meaningful way. Either as an astronaut, or as someone who benefits from the technology provided by space.
NASA astronaut instructor Grier Wilt