Remembrance | Getting started

Remembering is sometimes not enough

What does this Togolese talking drum have to do with German remembrance culture? A great deal. Why? Because it has spent many decades in storage at the GRASSI Museum of Ethnology in Leipzig with the comment “Acquisition circumstances unknown”. Colonial researcher and DAAD alumnus Dr Ohiniko Mawussé Toffa knows drums like this from his home country. In Togo they ­signify a special status. In Germany the drum is a symbol that remembering is sometimes not enough. Actions need to follow. Stories need to be told correctly and stolen goods returned. That is the foundation for living together in peace, for academic exchange based on partnership and for life without hate and extremism. The DAAD is aware of this responsibility. In this issue you can read more about how new DAAD programmes are making an important contribution here. Remembering is not enough, but it is a first step. —

Remembrance | Interview

Lessons of the past

Professor Martin Schulze Wessel, DAAD alumnus and one of the most renowned German experts on Eastern European history, discusses the war in Ukraine.

Professor Martin Schulze Wessel

Remembrance | Overview

The responsibility of remembrance

Symbols of the remembrance debate: the Humboldt Forum and the Jewish Museum in Berlin, the Buchenwald Memorial and a Benin Bronze
Germany must face up to its historical responsibility as a dictatorship and colonial power if global academic exchange is to take place on the basis of equality. New DAAD programmes are making an important contribution to this.
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Remembrance | Engaging in exchange

Shaping the future with museums

Participants from Africa and Europe exchange ideas each year.

TheMuseumsLab brings experts from Africa and Europe together to engage in exchange on urgent issues.


Researching Germany’s ­colonial past

The impact of Ger­many’s colonial era is still evident in some parts of Africa. The Germanist Guy Armel ­Fogang Toyem from Cameroon, a scholarship holder on the DAAD’s German Colonial Rule programme, has been researching its effects.


Guy Armel Fogang Toyem

Remembrance | Engaging in exchange

“A transformative experience”

Germany Close Up – North American Jews Meet Modern Germany offers an opportunity to experience the many facets of Germany. This transatlantic programme is aimed at Jewish students and young professionals from North America.

Installation Schalechet

Remembrance | Engaging in exchange

Remembrance work for the sake of peace

The German-Colombian Peace Insti­tute CAPAZ is committed to critically examining the decades-long conflict in the South American country.

CAPAZ Science Slam in Medellín

Remembrance | Just asking

Support for Ukraine

DAAD President Professor Joybrato Mukherjee on the historical responsibility for Ukraine and the commitment to free academic exchange.

People demonstrate against the war in Ukraine in front of the Old Town Hall in Münster (North Rhine-Westphalia)

Remembrance | In action

Mission: To remember

Don Mee Choi

The award-winning Korean-American poet and translator Don Mee Choi talks about sanctioned amnesia and a moving example of remembrance culture. READ MORE

Remembrance | In action

The wounds can still be felt to this day

Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe

In her guest contribution, Michaela Küchler explains why Germany’s Federal Foreign Office, together with its intermediary organisations like the DAAD, is committed to a future-oriented culture remembrance culture. READ MORE

Remembrance | In action

In brief

Historian Dr Franziska Davies and Professor Jan Ilhan Kizilhan on the experience of people in wars

Gaps in German remembrance culture


Dr. Franziska Davies

Remembrance | In action

In brief

Historian Dr Franziska Davies and Professor Jan Ilhan Kizilhan on the experience of people in wars

“Develop hope for the future”


Professor Jan Ilhan Kizilhan

Remembrance | In action

“Knowledge is like a baobab”

Religious objects, deities and icons: German studies specialist, colonial historian and DAAD alumnus Dr Ohiniko Mawussé Toffa aims to clarify where the items stored at GRASSI Museum of Ethnology in Leipzig stem from, who they were taken from and how they came to Germany.

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Remembrance | In dialogue

“A better understanding of heritage management”

How can academic exchange influence a country’s remembrance culture?

We recorded a dialogue between Dr Britta Rudolff, head of the international Master programme on heritage conservation and site management, and Mohamed Amer from Egypt, one of her former students.

Aquarium Grotto Garden

Remembrance | Keeping in touch

Traces of the past

Dampfschiff mit Auswandernden. Abb.: Brockhaus Konversations-Lexikon, 1908.

The DAAD Regional Office Rio de ­Janeiro is celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2022. Its director, Dr Jochen Hellmann, recalls an event that even dates much further back: the start of German immigration to Brazil around 200 years ago. READ MORE

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